Sunday, May 29, 2011

Cell phone at bottom of the lake

I had one of those "oh *!*##!! moments about an hour ago.  I was getting out of the boat and had just taken my car keys and cell phone out of the bag am put the phone in my pocket---big mistake.  I bent down to pick up something and plop!!!  the sound you don't want to hear.  I was so mad at myself!

I'll have to make a visit to the Apple store and see what they can do for me.  Maybe if I cry???

I caught one crappie---if we don't catch more we'll let him go.


  1. Yep... familiar with that plop sound too... only it was car keys! So, the bright side is, at least you can drive your car to the apple store... and practice crying on the way! Hopefully the warranty will help...

  2. So what kind of bait would you use to catch a cell phone?
